CC 海淘专注于为用户提供最新、最全的海淘折扣信息,致力于打造国内领先的海淘折扣分享平台。我们拥有庞大的用户群体,用户年龄主要集中在 20-45 岁之间,且多为高学历、高消费能力的群体。多种合作模式可选,目前有以下渠道提供合作:
- 小红书账号
- 微信群 (禁言群和讨论群)
- 网站 (
我们真诚期待与各大品牌、电商平台、代理商等合作,共同为用户提供更优质的海淘折扣信息,实现互利共赢。请联系微信号:deehee1st 。
CCHaitao specializes in providing users with the latest and most comprehensive overseas shopping discount information, striving to become a leading platform in China for sharing such deals. We boast a vast user base, primarily aged between 20 and 45, many of whom possess high educational backgrounds and substantial purchasing power. We offer various collaboration models and currently have the following channels available for partnership:
- RedNote
- WeChat Private Groups
- Website (blog)
We look forward to the possibility of working together to achieve shared success. Please contact # with @)